Thursday, February 26, 2009

Audree playing Rock Band She loves to play this game on the Xbox 360 She is getting pretty good at it... Sometimes she complains that her hands our a little small and that she misses the notes so one day I took the guitar and said Ok watch mom to see how it is done

So I started to play and hit all the notes than I missed several and explained to her that it is ok that she isn't perfect at the game and that if you miss some notes that is the fun of it... Cause if you got all of them it wouldn't be so much fun and challenging...She surely is my Rock Star... While playing the guitar she wanted to sing with the microphone to.... Double wammy Maybe anothere time... Sweetie...

My Two LoVe Bugs watching some Spongebob and eating Mom's Homemade carmel popcorn a yummy after school treat One of Audree's faviortes... Today I think I will make brownies...

Audree way cute outfit that Auntie Misty sewed for her.... She just loves it... She looked so darling with her red dress shoes and her leggins underneath it... She wore that on Valentines day at her school on Feb 13th Audree & mommy put together fun goodie bags for all the kids and a red bucket of goodies for her teachers.
She Sure is growing up Fast...

We haven't posted for awhile so Here is the update... He he he
Audree sure loves her Baby Sister Ivee... When she gets home from school she gives her sister Lillee and Ivee a big kiss... The best thing Audree loves is seeing her sister Lillee standing up on the stool looking out the big window watching for her sister to come home from school...and hearing her sister cheers when she walks into the front door.

Audree sure loves to cook her she is making audree's speciality Audree Crazy Recipe... I just let her have it out in the kitchen of course with me over looking her and see what really she is putting in the food... IT was delicious I wanted so much more... She is going to start cooking once a night from now On... WAY TO GO AUD....