Monday, May 17, 2010

April 2010

Out of Place Once again... Man Oh Man... Blogging.... Yikes
In this picture is when she pulled out the New Moon T Shirt that the Easter Bunny knew to get her... Way to Go Blink Blink....wink wink Easter Bunny

Love this picture of Audree and lillee in the background Really exploring what they got in the easter basket... I love the fact Good Ole Easter Bunny brought them Laundry basket... Now if only they only could fill them that high for all the laundry they had... Nope not a chance...

Braclets just like my mommy had... She was smiling Ear to ear that whole day...

Now that I have all the pictures loaded up it is time for journaling...

This month has been a crazy month... but in a Good way... Good Energy

I think I did the pictures this time in order... Hopefully the loading up work this time so I don't have a Huge space till the end of the Blog for this month...

So if you don't mind Cross your fingers too....

Now this picture is out of place but couldn't forget to put on the Goofy Picture of me and my Mommy & sisters... It is the Best... This is from our Family Photo Shoot @t Grandma & Buggha's Bocks house in the backyard... It was a fun day and they turned out AweSome... My Mom took the indivual pictures Grandma took the Family ones including the help from Buggha...

This is the collage of pictures that my mom and I put together for

Ivee's First Birthday party... Now that was back in December mind you

We just got it done... Hurray... We Got it done and hung it up in the frame

And than Mom & I heard this Crashing down... I was devastated when I heard

the sound... went rushing over to it.. to find that ever single picture wasnt touched

and the frame plastic didn't break and the frame itself could be super glued back to normal...

Mom & I did these blocks... We cut the fonts out on her Cricut Expression machine

and than picked out the 52 different papers backgrounds cut & glued them all... So

each month we can put a different saying up... My mom's friends loved them and bought

sets from her for $25.00 bucks for each set... Now that was a deal in itself... But My

Mom is just like that...

Lillee likes to pick on me alot... Here she is trying to push me down the stairs

Than after Mom found out instead of doing anything about it... she went

and grab the camera... Sisterly LoVe

My New Bedroom I LoVe It....

Believe it or Not I earned my flat screen T.V. to go into my room

It took alot of Good Contracts from school and listening skills...

And the fact that My Dad & Mom LoVe me.... He he he

Easter Fun
Coloring Eggs with the family
We had fun just letting our creativty flow
Lillee had some other ideas insted of using the tool
that was intended for the egg coloring she used her

hand and it surely changed her had different colors
for about two days straight... Mom & Dad tryed everything.... Kids will be Kids....

Coloring Some More Funnnnnnn

When Mom was looking at the pictures she was shocked
that I was allowed to do the coloring of eggs in her faviorte shirt that she loves it when I wear it...
Look at my pretty Purple & Greenish looking Egg.... My Easter Basket... Had a Huge Ducky in it... Which I loved... and braclets and candy and some shirts

Candy & some Fun things... Color Chalk... Coloring book... Toys Egg that changes faces when you press the button in... Shampoo/ Conditioner Watermelon My Faviorte Smells.... Bubbles...

The Big A I knew who it was for...
Easter was Fanastic...

Family Pictures
Me & My Mommy she has been there for me through this all and we continue to be there... I love these pictures of my Daddy... I told him he is so handsome and that she is the luckest daughter around to have a daddy like him in her life...

That's My Family... I LoVe My Faviorte thin to eat is Shrimp & Musscles exspecially if my mommy make them... Which she loves to cook that meal and exspecially cooked outside on the firer pit.... Yum Yum Yum
It was my Dance PhoToShoot & well My Mommy took care of my pictures they turned out AweSome and than she ordered the smallest packet from the other photographer... The prices were out ragegous since my mom gets killer prices due to her business she just had to bite her touge... Which I should add did very well...

This is the picture of me & Ava She was in my kindergarten class & she lives right around the corner we have been friends since kindergarten this was the first play date that I had after school and didn't come home from school... But I learned my lesson... Call Home or plan ahead...