Monday, June 28, 2010

1st Grade Graduation

Audree last week of school was one that she will remember with the Award ceremony she walked home from school with head down and said Mom I didnt get award... all Sad and than she burst up from no where and said I did I got two Awards... I couldn't believe my ears... 1st grade has been a trying one for her and I due to her teacher... Enough said...But we made it through...with more than flying colors... My Mom got told that her picture taking tells the story so here you go.... First grade program.... Graduation..... Award Ceremony.....For Best Achievenment in advanced Reading...and than Last Day of School.... in the picture with her baby sister Ivee she is reading Blogs and playing Games with her. She loves to be the big sis and expecially when she uses the lamptop to play her games and talk to friends... yes Folks you heard it right... she knows how to text and chat....

Audree's Ballet Recital

It was that time for her to do her First Ballet Recital which she did Fantastic
we were all so proud of her hard work and dedication to learn and concentrate on the dance
She has found her calling in life... Tom Boy and Princess that is for sure...

The Zoo Adventure

We went to the zoo for Stephen Bithday Party it was fun fun we got there around 3:30P.M.
and the zoo closes at 5 ish but they don't kick anyone out of the Zoo so we went around to all the animals took fun pictures playground was completely empty except for us... It was fun for all of us event the adults all of the kids were excellent and so intridged by the animals... Were going to go back to the zoo most likely around that time again... It was like we had the Zoo to ourself... It Rocked... Stephen took audree around in the wagon... They our the best of buds... Did I mention how much Audree LoVes Science and Nature and the Enviorment She is truely a Tree Huger and there is nothing wrong with that... We LoVe our Free Spirited little Audree...

Playing OUt in the Sun

We Love playing out in the sun and on the slippy slide... I was hoping for Audree's Birthday she would get a Pool so we can do both... But that didn't happen... maybe next year sweetie... We was just playing outside and singing and having fun together... I like to surely slide down the slide real fast I Always count down and than I run run run jump and down I go...It has been a Fun slide... Today was a Sad Slide day though I accidentally ripped the end detachment... But My Mom said that she would mend it back together...Here's Looking...