Monday, April 12, 2010

Feb & March

Mother Nature had another fun time in our backyard....
My Mom and Dad were talking the other day about getting the tree removed
from our backyard had it priced out to see how much it would be
$500.00 was what they were quaoted...
Mom Said I will do it myself... Chainsaw here I come...
Well Mom was getting ready to go out the front door when this whoosh of wind
came over the whole house Lillee and Ivee were waiting at the door to get put into the truck
Well as my Mom came back in Lillee was pointing out the back door and said
Mom Look what happened to the tree...
I looked and first thing that came in my head
And Sure enough power lines indeed...
I kept the kids inside
and called Erik...
Erik hurried home too investigate
When he got home
he immediatly called the power company...
They were at our house in less than 15 min
If that line would of went down...
IT could of be disaterous they said
In the End the power company cut it down and laid it on the ground
Needless to say...
Mother Nature truely helped us out
and we got firer wood for camping and our firer pit so my
Mommy can cook outside on the pit and not use the electricity...

I am getting so big and cant wait for the future

I loVe to Read and Write and Sing and Play all Day

Way stinkin Cute.... My Mom sewed me this skirt...
She is starting to like to sew more..
So I am excited to see what she has instore or comes up with
She said Patterns our not her friend she measured my waist and came up with this....

We just threw some leggins underneath the skirt...

Bretts My 3rd cousin 1st Birthday party down in Orem it was fun fun

Buddee Our New Addition to our Family
Just the Right Size for all of Us

Me and Madison's First Sleepover at my house
Mom went and got some popcorn for us
Soda... and gummy sour worms...
We watched Twilight in my Room
Best of Friends

We had a Great Time...
Asking Mom when she was going to update my blog it was totally out of Date

Ivee Marybeth... I taught her how to give Thumbs Up

Here we all our just hanging out watching some cartoons on saturday morning

I got to HOld One of the Cakes

My Grandma Bock turned 60 Yrs Old we had cake & ice cream over there.... My Mom & Dad bought her a mothers ring with all her kids birth stones in it... and than we got her a light house calendar and a card a diet pepsi... and statue....
So alot has happened....
I asked my mommy when she was going to do my blog.... cause it seriously needed to be updated... My mom told me that she would do it today and sure enough here she is doing it...
I Keep forgetting that the Blog does the last picture you put Last.... it turns out First....

Audree was messing around with this Ball that had poped and everyone had to try it on & take a picture.... I myself did it... but that would be black mail pictures On here....

Feb was a Crazy crazy month... Renevations took place in our home... all Girls got moved up to the top level.... Mom and Dad moved downstairs where my old room was...

This was our Pool/Game room for about a month... Yes your seeing right that is my Bedroom

Mommy ripping the carpet out herself to save us some money on Labor.... Oh wait she did all the labor Paint Ripping and pulling... She is bound and determine so if there is stuff to be done she will do it...
So alot has happened and that is why I am behind on Audree's Blog....