Thursday, October 2, 2008

~Fall Begins~

It was Kindergarten Pictures today... Audree got to pick ou the shirt that she wanted to wear and of course it was purple... She loves that color...I wanted to snag some shots from her before she went to school... So we stepped out in the front of our house and took some...Audree loves school and everything that she has learned so far... She is ahead of her class the teacher has told me on several occassions... I knew from the begining of her first day at pre school she would love school and the interaction with the other kiddo's...
She is such a good sister and daughter...She helps me whenever I need it... even if I have to ask her once or twice... Sometimes I have to remember that she has hearing loss... She is always right by my side ready to learn how to cook and clean and do the stuff that mommy does... I loVe that to know I got these girls looking up to me....and there mine and always will be... She does her chores everday when she gets home... She plays and than does homework she helps with dinner and clean up... She gets her P.J.S on when it is time for bath...and even reminds me that she hasn't washed up for bed...She helps out with Lillee whenever I need her too... and plays with her... they our the best of friends...
Lillee LoVes to be outdoors if she could she would be outside 24/7 ... Even when it is nighttime nothing stands in this little girls way... Audree roots Lillee on when she is up go potty on the big girl potty.... She is getting the whole peeing concept down just not the pooping but that will come in time... She sure is different from audree that is for sure... Lillee is all over the place... Crazy and cute as can be... She see what big sister is doing and thinks she can do it to... She even proves me wrong a couple thousand times... Audree's shares her toys with Lill most of the time... She shares her petshops and watches out for her sister with hawk eyes... Lillee is a free spirit like Audree is...
CHEESE she says....
Forever Best Friends and Sisters....

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