Thursday, May 14, 2009

What April Showers Brought To Little Miss

Happy Easter Audree.... What I got in my Easter Bucket was a Littlest Petshop Journal and a thing a petshop stickers... and an awesome pen to go along with my book... Of course candy and bubbles... and I loved my TWILIGHT candy I got... A tooth brush and Art Stuff... and Money in eggs and stickers and yeah a bunch of stuff I cant remember... We had a fun Easter hunt over at Grandma's & Buggha's House and than we went over to Phat Sunday over at Aunt Mally's House and all the family was there we had a BBQ... The Day before I had a Easter Egg Hunt over at Oma's and Poppies house that was a blast... Not even half my cousins.... were there... but it was still fun... Brooke was Arches on Easter with her family she was surely missed but we celebrated with her when she got back...
Audree and Lillee our the Best of Friends They wanted to swing together so I put them up into the Spider and they loved it they were laughing and giggling together... They didn't want to get off the swing exspecially Lillee she wanted to swing with her sister and now when she wants to swing she goes Spidey mom Spidey...
Here I am being the big sister I am... Feeding My little sister Ivee her first Solids Boy does she like Sweet Potatoes and Barley... Yes You heard it Barley....

I was outside doing some yard work with my mommy and came across a whole family of worms underneath this rug that was outside... I started to pick them up one by one and put them in my hands and than I put them in the flower bed cause I have been told that they our good for the flowers...Mom said Oh Audree Your Brave and I responded back Mom I am just trying to help the poor little wormies out..

See I wasn't kidding her I am with the worms of all different sizes...

Audree was out in the yard she was so excited to see the blossoms on the tree's and bushes outside that she got a bowl and started to pick them... I said Audree you cant pick the blossoms or we wont have the pretty flowers... She didn't understand but when I explained it to her... she turned around and was trying to put the flowers back on the tree...
The Girls love it outside and planting seeds and plaing out in the yard and in the sand boxs...

Every Chance I get I go out into the backyard and swing on my swing and listen to the birds sing there spring time song and I love going into the backyard and walking on the grass in my bare feet... I love to also play in our sand boxs and make Cakes and cupcakes out of sand just a touch of water mom says to make it stay together... She surely is right... than I sprinkle some dry sand on the top... Lillee my Sister turned 2 yrs old and we had a Thomas the Choo Choo Birthday for Her She loved all the fun decorations we had for her... I helped my mom decorate her birthday cake we made her a Choo Choo Train out of Brownies and cake... It was sure fun than we decorated choo choos for Lillee to put in her birthday scrapbook that all the kids decorated with stickers and markers and crayons... Her birthday party turned out AweSome and surely Fun.... I got to play with all of her presents afterwards with her that was toooo a good part of it... He he he he....Than we went over to Grandma's & Buggha's House and of course they had some fun things there for her actual birthday party... They had bought my sister a life size choo choo train that makes sounds and she can ride on it... and than a yummmy yummy boston creame cake... with Thomas the choo choo on top We both loved the cake. And my sister shared a train ring that was on top of the cake.
My Grandma Loves to play with me outside and push me on the swing by my feet... and plant seeds with me in her garden and draw with me and paint with me and scrapbook with me. My Grandma Bock is the best she is always there for me when I need her the most and she gives me the one on one time when I need it... She never gets sick or tired of me... We always do alot of fun things together even if that means we sit and watch a movie and eat popcorn.... Just being with her makes me smile and makes me happy.
I LoVe to Swing and Feel the Wind in My Hair...
Even My Mommmmm Likes to Swing With Me... We play this game of attack each other to see who can swing towards that person and tickle eachother while on the swing... My Mom even jumped off the swing while it was going I thought that was so AweSome that I had to try it... Mom now bites her lip and says Why did I show her that... Everytime I am swinging my mom says Audree NO Jumping OFF... YOU HEar....
Here I am Lillee Yes your seeing Right Lillee Pushing me on her train across our Dinning Room floor... Lillee shares everything with me... she is my best friend... She always thinks of me when she gets a treat or a snack or a drink she says Audree Audree Mom...
Us having a Brownie delight with Diet Pepsi and Cheeto's Party Outside with the tea set Lillee got for her birthday... We have so much fun together...
Sure was Yummy... My Mom is the Best in the WOrld She has always been there for us and she has never turned her back on me even when she was having the hardest time... She has suffered alot for the clothes that have been on my back... She has sacraficed alot when it was just me and my mommy... She always thinks of others and the way they feel... She trys to do what is best for her girls... She loves unconditional and I am very very very happy that I made the choice to be her Daughter... I couldn't ask for a better oustanding Mommy... and she has brought me my sister who I love with all my little heart... Such a little being can have such a big heart to LoVe everyone as much as I loVe the ones dear to me...

I loVe Twilight So Much... My Mom got the Book on Cd and is letting me listen to it with her... I watched the movie several times and have my own copy of it... My Mom was playing around with some pictures that she had taken and was putting them together and I saw the picture she was working on and I said Mom this looks like the Twilight family you know the cullens... I laughed and had to post it on here and tell you all about How Little Miss Audree knows the Cullens and the characters what a Five year old going on 13.... April was a Fun Month I couldn't be happier with the Spring Weather Hopefully it now Stays...

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